Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chicken dressed as a dog

Everyone knows that Mira, our cocker, is a beautiful dog. Jodi originally bought her to keep Matty company. Yeah, like Matty needs company. Matty was able to make life miserable for Mira, so Jodi asked us to take her. Since we have owned her for past 7-8, I can assure you that she is really a chicken in a dog's clothing. I remember when we took Matty and Mira to Pecos, New Mexico several years ago. Mira was barking at a couple of Dobermans. Of course Matty (half of Mira's size) sprinted out of our camper and ran full speed at the dobermans. When they turned toward Matty, Mira bolted toward the camper leaving Matty all alone. Matty didn't back off and was trying to fight both dogs. Mira, on the other hand, was shaking while safe inside our camper. Since that day, we have known that Mira is nothing short of being a chicken. When Mira sees a squirrel in our back yard, she barks softly and kind of bounces toward them. Matty literally goes bonkers and chases them up trees. She growls threats toward them as they cling to tree limb. I have no doubt that Matty is actually cursing the squirrels saying, "You sons of bitch are afraid to come down and do battle with me" while she barks and curses them.

I have actually seen Mira pee on the ground when a cat confronts her. Maybe she is, in fact, liquidating all of her ass sets (not assets). Debbie and I have determined that she is a worthless dog. It embarrasses us when Mira sees strangers. She runs to them and yelps and whines like she has been beaten.

At least with chickens, you get some eggs. Chickens also eat a lot of insects and you can eat chickens when you get hungry. I looked in the dictionary to find the word, "Worthless". Sure enough there was a picture of Mira. We had dog named Maggie and she died too soon. Mira will probably live forever but I am convinced that she dies each and every time she is confronted by another animal. The legendary John Wayne said a brave man only dies once, but a coward dies a million deaths. Hang in there Matty, keep up the profanity and threatening squirrels. We love you. Mira, I wonder if you taste like chicken. I really believe that Mira was sired by a rooster!


  1. okay papa - I LOVE MIRA - you are right - she is a chicken - but she is also a lover - she's content just to sit by your side and eat whatever leftovers you have. And maybe just pass "a little" gas - never offensive!!!

  2. Hilarious! Matty is actually cursing the squirrels, as well as me, Mike, and the kids when they don't bring her treats....surely there are some advantages to keeping a chickn in the house.

  3. Mira does one thing great... and that is provide an out for any accidental farts while in her presence. You can always blame Mira. Funny post pops.
