Friday, January 16, 2009

Retired Tired

My lovely wife, Deb, has been badgering me for the past year to write my own blog... Ok Deb, the blog begins in 2003 when she wanted me me to retire and move closer to the grand kids. Because of her pleading, I retire and we move to Granbury, Texas. Since I retired, I have been anything but retired. We have taken on many projects. I'll give you one guess as to who wanted all of these projects. Just a few of the projects are: Extending the back patio from a 6 X 8 to a 17 X 27, 12 foot gazebo, 8x10 storage building, Grand kids Play Center, with a stage for Jack and Molly to have plays for us grown ups, Double carport for our newly acquired travel trailer, riding mower and golf cart, Pirate ship, landscape timber fence, sprinkler system, painting interior of our house, extending our fence by about 100', just to mention a few. I get tired just thinking about them. What is really sad is that Deb has a list of many many more projects that she hasn't shared with me. There's a message in Proverbs about nothing worse than living in a house with a unhappy woman. King Solomon, David's son, wrote it. He had the right to write it because he had many wives and a lot of complaining. Fortunate for him, he was a king and his people had to do all of the things that his wives wanted. I am fairly certain that he didn't build a Pirate ship out of landscape timbers or extended his patio. He could just ring a bell and his servants had to "snap to it". Why wasn't I born a king?

Please see my slide show of Pecos New Mexico. We pulled our camper to Pecos in late July of this past year. It is approximately an 11 hour drive. We absolutely love it there. I fly fish and relax in knowing that we can't work on any projects. Of course, we had to take Mira (our dog). She is a worthless dog...can't do much but beg to get inside the house and howl miserably when she doesn't get her way. While in Pecos, Deb and I went to Santa Fe to shop. We had to leave Mira in the camper at the campsite since she couldn't pass as a seeing eye dog in the restaurant. When we returned, each and everyone of the people who were at the campsite came to our camper to inform us that Mira howled the entire time we were gone. So, on the next trip to Santa Fe, we left her out hoping someone would adopt her. When we returned, one of the elderly ladies that camped near us, brought Mira back and looked "down her nose" at us because we left our poor dog outside. Deb and I are certain that the lady was probably kin to one of Solomon's wives.

Deb and I are very involved in our church. We just finished teaching the Sunday School 4th grade class. I will be teaching our adult class for a few Sundays this quarter. We love it here because of our anonymity. Deb hated being introduced as the superintendent's wife.

If you are bored with this posting and you want to stop have an excellent opportunity because I want to write a few things about our grand kids. Don't you just hate it when people pull out pictures and start talking about grand kids? ME TOO.

Jack, our oldest at age 5, appears to have the talent to be a hard hitting linebacker as well as becoming an outstanding actor. Molly, our next oldest at 3, will probably become a great veterinarian (specializing in felines) and a stunt car driver. Max, our youngest at 18 months, will probably become an opthamologist known for his continual pointing at the letters on a eye chart and a stand up comedian/ventriloquist specializing in animal sounds (with the Billy Goat being his best).

Well, I just hope that Deb is happy now!


  1. Well, I am happy - I would like to have proofed it for some of the Bible stuff!!!!!
    Actually I think it is kind of funny!! I didn't realize that you knew about having more projects - I just hope you have plenty of $$$! And for the record I have been on the projects every step of the way!!!

  2. Okay, your writing style is so slightly ironic and funny. How could I have missed it? Your voice sounds so much like hte little one I have in my head: it is almost like you raised me for 34 years! So glad you started blogging. Please keep it up!

  3. Good post dad. Now you have an out for mom's projects... you can always say you need to go blog. I'm glad you've started. Now you'll have to keep doing it.

  4. ha! you are just as funny when you are writing. loved your first post!

  5. Hey, how come I knew all that stuff? I think it's awesome that Deborrah has you so trained!!
